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  Forum Index - Show Offs - Finally a start on the XionIII Onyx
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CMG Refugee

Joined: Jul 6, 2007
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Post Subject: Finally a start on the XionIII Onyx
Posted on: Jul 24, 2007
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This weekend, while waiting for my bank account to balance, I decided to get a start on that Xion that houses my newest system. A friend of mine showed up with a whoooole bunch of beer, and in a slight haze I started on this
Just a free gift I got from being a consumer whore.
This was supposed to be in a license plate cover for a car... after some toying around with my multi-meter... BAM front bezel mounted LED scrolling goodness

OH, I'm play testing a $10 camera that I got from a grocery store just to see if it had any image quality at all. I'm not too... well, I've not decided either way. Where I would complain that it takes questionable quality images, I must point out that I was in horrible lighting and taking pictures while moving... IF I stop to take intelligent pictures (standing still proper lighting and what not...) then they turn out better then expected on a $10 digital camera. Any way I digress...
This is the case that I ordered.

Sexy eh?

This is what I was shipped
shit happens... SO I went out and bought 2x 120mm LED Fans to replace the plain black ones in the front and back of the case.
it's looking better...
The next thing on my docket is pulling the blue LED's in the plastic face plate and replacing them with ultra brights going to cost me about $1.80

so as you can see, I'm still wanting a 140mm green LED fan... Or I'll post pics of me drilling four LED's out of a fan. Which would you want to see me do?

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Modding Wizard

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Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Jul 24, 2007

so are you certain that its a 140mm fan? I know its not exactly 120mm when you buy a 120mm fan.

steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: for certain it was Xion's flagship
Posted on: Jul 24, 2007

Yeah I'm 100% sure that it's a 140mm it's xion's flagship case idea. UNFORTUNATELY if you run into an issue with one of these fans... well yeah you are a bit screwed trying to find a replacement.

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Modding Wizard

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Posted on: Jul 24, 2007

Id say take out that crap excuse for a side, and get a clean sheet of plexi. Then you can easily mount a 120mm. I personally hate plexi sides with those holes cut in em. Its a pain to clean dust from em.

steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
AMD X4 720 @ 3.5GHZ, 4GB DDR2, PowerColor 5770 1GB, 40" LCD, 200gb+ 2TB HDD's
Now A+, Net+, Linux+ and MCTS Windows 7 and Server '08 Certified :D
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Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Jul 24, 2007

Here is a site where you can get all of the 140mm fans that you can afford.
Hope it helps you out. Happy Modding to ya.

<a href=><img src= width=440 height=111></a>
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Selfmade Modder

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Posted on: Jul 24, 2007

thanks for sharing your findings :) lol i don't need any but honestly i like knowing this stuff for the day that i do need em

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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: So a few good things I should note
Posted on: Jul 25, 2007

the reason for those janky looking square side hole vents is simply for modders You can put 4x80mm fans, 2x120mm fans, or 1x140mm and 1x80mm in the side of this monster depending on your cooling needs (to be read: depending on how tolerant of noise you are) trust me, when I'm done with this sucker those holes will make plenty of sense.
Thank you em3bilko for linking to that I hadn't checked their site for updates to the fans in a while, I normally use them for heat syncs or water cooling parts.

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Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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Posted on: Jul 25, 2007

Glad I could help and I hope you find what you are wanting. Happy Modding to ya.

<a href=><img src= width=440 height=111></a>
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CMG Refugee

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Posted on: Aug 10, 2007

I dont know what in the hell is wrong with me sometimes heheheh. SO my art background hit me in the head with an idea that it seems to think is completely viable for all of our modding needs. SO! You like to paint your computer cases, and you are (probably) thinking or have thought of getting an acrylic case eh? Then listen up! I dont know how many of you knew this, but there has been a paint on the market for years that glass stainers use everyday that dries crystalline with the color you have chosen. Paint your acrylic cases and not affect the transparencies! Now, how is this relevent to my modding issues that this 14cm fan has given me? I just acquired a 14cm crystal clear white LED fan with silver blades :D SO! I'mma glass stain that sucker with some emerald paint and hope for the best! and yes if this one goes well I'll take LOTS of pics.

On another note, I've worked more on the WETPAINT case... but I dont know if I'm going to keep the work I did on it.

<edit> It helps when I give you a link huh? </edit>

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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: SO! Progress?
Posted on: Aug 14, 2007

I ordered a whole crap ton of LED's and some accessories and they should be home when I get there. I'll try and remember to grab a few pics of the plan and the WetPaint case... Which I should update. Friday I'm going to order a few things that I've wanted to play with for a while now.
Thing #1: LED Case handle. I've been wanting to know what kind of installation headaches these things can give.
Thing #2: LED Ram tape... Dont ask me, what kind of issues these things can cause either... but they look sexy if done right and should add to the sleekness of the OCz ram kit.
Thing #3: LED Feet/ Undermod lights. It's called a "PUCK" and I want to play with one... It is supposed to give 360� of LED light... I'm thinking under the case... depending on it's construction I might try and take it apart and motorize the center part... it's easier than I can explain with out pictures so we'll see. And the feet I'm still kicking around the idea we'll see how the puck goes first.

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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: 'DISASTER!' - My cry for help.
Posted on: Aug 15, 2007

So while messing with the Power LED style switch last night (and yes the computer was off for this.) Something on my board let go. The system will not post (doesn't even make it to the splash screen with an option of hitting anything to go into the bios) after a few seconds of being turned on, the board shuts down. At first I thought this might be just a minor PSU issue and I might've had an undervoltage issue or something gay. This is where it gets ugly. I unhooked all of the periffs and only hooked up the board and HDD... same issue. After taking apart the PSU and checking a few things on it. I eventually got the board to the point of not shutting down after a few seconds. But the damn thing still wont post. Any ideas? I would like to hear that it is the ram, or even the vidcard, hell I wouldn't mind hearing "You fried your CPU". These things would make me happy... The board was a gift and would have to be RMA'd through ASUS, but everything else is less than a year old and I still have the papers on all of it.

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Selfmade Modder

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Posted on: Aug 15, 2007

hmmm i've seen friend cpus and i'm sure you have too, they don't generally randomly happen but it is possible. i'd assume it's something local to where you were tinkering. it sounds strange but make sure a loose screw or peice of metal didn't get lodged behind the board. I've seen that stuff do really strange things, not necessarily threatening, but strange things to a computer.

also i'd jsut check that a stray jumper was knocked off. not sure what effect it'd have. but for the most part i've learned that the bigger problems are generally caused by the smaller things. you'll probably find it was something really stupid.

but back to the whole friend the cpu, if there a chance you built up enough static to zap anything in there? I don't know if you have a carpet floor so it might be a stupid question.

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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: I Practice Safe Hex
Posted on: Aug 15, 2007

I was wearing a static band, but I've had one of those fail before. It's all looking to be board issues ;_; I can tell you this much, after the boot issues I checked the temps on the board to rule out other hardware failure, The North Bridge and South Bridge were hot... not alarmingly hot, just hot. But the processor was unusually hot and it had not been running for long before I shut it down and started tinkering on the power LED. All in all I probably roasted the processor or the board. I'm going to take the system to work with me tomorrow and get a hold of ASUS and AMD and find out what they want to do.

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Selfmade Modder

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Posted on: Aug 15, 2007

good luck, hopefully they're really cool about it all. I've roasted an Athlon before and it left a scorched mark in the center. Tigerdirect refused to refund it even though they sent me the wrong cpu cooler. It was both our faults but i was the one out $200, not them >.<

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CMG Refugee

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Post Subject: Companies have been a bit more lenient
Posted on: Aug 15, 2007

It used to be back in the day that if you "over clocked" your hardware, then any damages from said tweak would not be the fault of the manufacturers. Now it's almost like companies are saying "OH! you broke that? Seriously? Well crap have another and let us know how that one goes." Modding has taken off in this country and with it hardware tweaking, so major companies should be glad to have a test community of sorts to let them know indirectly how they feel about the performance on some things. Let's take the P35 chipset for instance. Intel's so giddy about the benchmarks on their new line of processors, but the boards that are out that support them are kind of not looking to good. One of the boards in question is the circu-pipe board. It looks like a roller coaster tycoon designed heat pipe. Acording to CPU Mag. they don't perform out of the box like it probably should, to be considered a high end AMD killer... CPU did go on to say that a BIOS patch would probably fix many of the issues they were having with two different P35 boards. (MSI? I think and the other Gigabyte) I just know to go with what I've beaten the hell out of and not had too many issues with.

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CMG Refugee

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Posted on: Aug 17, 2007

So according to NewEgg's kids. Dealing with ASUS on the phone is like discussing what it is like to be poor with Bill Gates, or something like that. I called them today and the lady I dealt with was actually answering my questions like she actually knew what she was talking about. I asked how many RMA's; if she could tell me; did they have to file on the M2N32-SLI Deluxe and after a little pause she was just said "Compared to the number sold, which for security reasons I cant really divuldge on the phone, not very many at all" So I asked and of those filed how many were actually from the chipset compared to user error if you even track that kind of thing. "One of the returns was due to an oversized cpu cooler that broke the fin section of the heat pipe off... we filed that as 'User error and Chipset issue'" "other than that...... only like 10 were chipset related"......... "the newegg crowd seems to lack any technical knowledge of any kind and like 2-8% of the feedback is 'worst purchase ever... the bord waz broke rite out of the bocks and it waznt my falt fer not plugging in the risers or some shit and grounding it out. GREAT JOB AZUZ you lost a kustumar on dis sail' heheheheh" "hmmm... sounds like we'll miss that individual greatly, so I will file your RMA for you and once you call back with the serial number we can get you a shipping label for you board if that is ok" ......"*sniffle* I love you *sniffle* just mail me a baord back 'cause I'm kind of getting the 'lack of computer' shakes over here." So yeah they are wonderful. How many companies would let you file a RMA with out any real information about the board other than a model number and purchase date?
*Edit* AND ANOTHER THING >:O where do they get off telling me that I HAVE TO HAVE a 550w PSU for one optical drive, one HDD, three 12w LED fans, a 6600gt oc, and a 65w 3200+... people are just stupid when it comes to calculations. I had speced out a 350w system for $285 and someone rated it "Well it wont play games and your PSU (an Antech) will never power that thing, you should go with at least a 8800 or you will never get any kind of performance from it." Mind you I benched a system similar to this setup and got 56,000 AquaMarks after tweaking... sad sad sad. */edit*

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