I'm at the office now and had to post my anger to the web. I have to install some software for a business that i'm pretty sure by now isn't fully supported by vista yet..
It errored out while installing. I cant uninstall because files are always in use. I cant find it in the running processes/services/ or msconfig...
you cant uninstall programs in safe more anymore...
and finally every time try to remove it after deleting the running files in safe mode, it prompts me to remove it, then nothing happens... and all i did was delete a database file, nothing that deemed how the program ran or even uninstalled...
and thats where my anger comes from If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
Why do they keep making new OSes? At this point they are getting too big, too complexe, too buggy, too exspensive, too much trouble to learn some of the new things that they CAN put in the currently avalible ones!
I think as of this specific moment it imagine we're having more sotware problems then normally since the conversaion going on between 32bit and 64bit. Hardware is actually advancing to a point that they're going to find a way to dynamicly handle the improvements. They already have quad cores as a regular item on the market, the majority of apps on the market are still only 32 bit, so I think we're still in for some real changes. I run windows xp64bit and that in itself has created some hurdles and I've learned that xp compatible, doesn't always live up to its name. But if they scale down the changes in a 4 year OS cycle, that thats something i might be able to get onboard with. One thing is for certain, microsoft needs a Lite OS because they're starting to lose a lot of their leverage with all these new PCs like the OLPC and the asus eee laptop. Even dells are coming with linux now and i imagine they run pretty well with the lower system specs.
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
BCModder BCModderator?
Joined: Aug 8, 2006
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Posted on: Feb 27, 2008
yea the whole problem is they keep adding on extra crap thats unnecessary, I mean look at ubuntu with compiz fusion add emerald to that and you can get flashy looks and way more effects then vista for half the ram req's. what they need to do is actually start working out the kinks in the OS and thinning the bloat rather then going and adding bloated shiny stuff cause they decided to set an unrealistic release date that they know they won't make. plus they need a bigger beta testing user base and do things like linux does that way cause the more people that are testing the software the faster and more efficiently you can catch the bugs in it and fix them, I mean I'm sure you all would agree with me on this and that is I would be willing to wait the extra bit for a decent OS then one thats full of bugs and holes.
Why do os makers think that we need crappy built in software to do something that we've been doing for a long time with better software? Honestly, new oses are great if there taking advantage of new hardware, but their utter crap when they are bloated like crazy >.<
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