I'm at the office now and had to post my anger to the web. I have to install some software for a business that i'm pretty sure by now isn't fully supported by vista yet..
It errored out while installing. I cant uninstall because files are always in use. I cant find it in the running processes/services/ or msconfig...
you cant uninstall programs in safe more anymore...
and finally every time try to remove it after deleting the running files in safe mode, it prompts me to remove it, then nothing happens... and all i did was delete a database file, nothing that deemed how the program ran or even uninstalled...
and thats where my anger comes from If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
DX10 is over hyped. To see the difference from dx9 to dx10 you would have to buy $500 video cards. Not to mention it will still probably lag considering that vista is a resource hog :P Hell my friend lags out on crysis on the same settings as me while in vista with his $500 8800gt sli setup. My 3870 handles the game fine in server 2003. No real differences gfx wise, just an over hyped engine. No game dev at the moment is really taking advantage of the dx10 engine anyways. I heard that there already developing dx11 :P
steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
AMD X4 720 @ 3.5GHZ, 4GB DDR2, PowerColor 5770 1GB, 40" LCD, 200gb+ 2TB HDD's
Now A+, Net+, Linux+ and MCTS Windows 7 and Server '08 Certified :D
See the thing is with things like this there isn't that much of a step up but if you were to compare DX 10 to DX 8 there would be a huge step up. (Sort of like comparing xp to 98 and ME.)
Paradoxal n.
1. A mythical creature that exists only if you don't believe in it.
lol compare dx8 to dx9 and you'll see a huge difference as well :P No to mention that there's still tons of useless crap running in the background while your in vista.
steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
AMD X4 720 @ 3.5GHZ, 4GB DDR2, PowerColor 5770 1GB, 40" LCD, 200gb+ 2TB HDD's
Now A+, Net+, Linux+ and MCTS Windows 7 and Server '08 Certified :D
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Posted on: Feb 20, 2008
yea DX10 is pretty much useless and has no notable difference in game play when compared to DX9, I have Crysis and have vista business and XP Pro on my computer and the only difference from one to the other is on vista you can use very high for the settings and XP just plain old high settings to which there really isn't much of a notable difference to me if any. so OS politics aside I just go by what I see and from what Ive seen there isn't any justification in spending the money on vista if it's just for DX10 and I'm glad I managed to get my copy of it for only $50 or I might be a tad on the pissed off side.
Once vista gets sp1 fully up and going il prob put it on another partition to test it. Ill prob just strip ity of all of the fancy pants themes and background services that arent needed and run the core. If thats unstable im just gonna skip over vista and wait for the next ms os to come :P
steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
AMD X4 720 @ 3.5GHZ, 4GB DDR2, PowerColor 5770 1GB, 40" LCD, 200gb+ 2TB HDD's
Now A+, Net+, Linux+ and MCTS Windows 7 and Server '08 Certified :D
let me know how it goes once y ou do that spoon, I've been considering vista and once the service pack is properly tested, i gotta think it'll be a lot better
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
yeah, windows blackcomb/vienna should be pretty nice, even though we have almost no idea what it'll be like. It'll probably be a memory and cpu hog though.
lol so yeah I tried to get vista installed and the 64bit version installer is retarded. It couldn't even find the damned CD drive that it booted from. The only solution would be to rip out a bunch of cables in my cramped case and switch the ide ports.
Meh screw it. I'm boycotting vista and waiting for their next pile o' crap os to hopefully not be as big of a disappointment.
steamid: dead7iest_weap0n
AMD X4 720 @ 3.5GHZ, 4GB DDR2, PowerColor 5770 1GB, 40" LCD, 200gb+ 2TB HDD's
Now A+, Net+, Linux+ and MCTS Windows 7 and Server '08 Certified :D
yea personally service pack or not you may as well wait for the next OS to come out rather then spending X amount now only to have them phase vista out due to failure among the fact that as soon as the new one is out they will probably try to sweep vista under the proverbial rug anyway.
shouldn't be to long. windows is hoping to start releasing a new OS every four years. Though with that said, I'd imagine the OSs will be less of a big jump from one another.
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?