I'm running a segmented fibre network to a total of 5 machines currently, including the server. Fibre end to end. The workstations are located all over the house.
Those machines are also connected to a Cat6 network.
The fibre network is for the bulk of the file serving and the Cat6 handles
the internet traffic and the public side.
In case of a failure of the Cat6 network, I can reroute the internet through
to the fibre side, but that is also why I have spare switches on the shelf, to prevent the need to.
You can start with a fibre backbone and increase your speed between two switches to start. That is where I started. Then as you acquire workstations that can take a fibre connection, or can take a PCI-X card, you can port them directly.
In my topology map, the top left workstation, Maximus is directly connected with fibre to the fibre network and Cat6 to the Cat6 network and also is connected with fibre to the SAN directly.
My topology map needs to be updated. I show it only as an example.
Sloppy administrator
Sorry about that. I need to add the other workstations fibre connections.