there are tons of Homebrew apps, emulators, games, all sorts of stuff. Ive been playing a few SNES titles on the SNES emulator. it plays some games BETTER than a PC, all for the fact of the Classic Controller. its almost identical to a SNES controller <3
Core2 Quad Extreme QX96500-ES @ 3Ghz, 4gb Patriot DDR2-1066Mhz RAM, 4gb Intel Turbo Memory, 3x 500GB WD Blue drives, Samsung DVD-RW, GTX 560ti-1gb Gfx card.
Future Mods: none for Freshwater. Next build will be all new.
snes is the only consoles i emulate but don't own (Im sega fanboy)
I tend to use my original xbox for emulators because of the harddrive but just yesterday it was announced that someone has made a SD card adapter for the dreamcast their going to add support for it to emulators so you can keep roms on the card,
I dont know if you've tried it but I can highly recomend super mario war.
Its a 1-4 player homebrew game that's a cross between super mario and smash bros. Its been ported to nearly everything and its one of the few homebrew game that I can get my friends to play.
On the topic of dreamcast homebrew I ported the half life mod They Hunger to the dreamcast but I've not touched it in a year because I couldn't work out how to fix a lot of the major bugs. I currently would like to make my own game from scratch for the dreamcast but I don't know how to code graphics (I could make a text adventure)
The dreamcast itself doesn't use windows ce but some games were build upon a sort of Windows CE live CD.
Most dreamcast homebrew games are coded in assembly or C++ with something like open gl added for the graphics. i know c++ but I dont know a thing about open GL or how a would program a movable character in a game.
The only part I cant into is the driving. Its so much more easier for me to just run from place to place or to kill myself and respawn at a closer supply point.
I started playing devil may cry 4 yesterday and just finished it a few hours ago and I can honestly say dont get it for the PC unless you have a good PC gamepad.
bcmodder BCModderator?
Joined: Aug 8, 2006
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Posted on: Jul 7, 2009
I'm bored out of my skull, I was playing world of warcrack but I recently quit. I was addicted to it more then anything I actually really hate it lol Ive thought about trying out warhammer online to see if I like it but I really don't know of any mmo other then it, wow, EQ2 and guild wars.
to note my addiction to wow list of char's below
*not including the 8 alliance alts I deleted*