- You must be a registered member of the site.
- You must have atleast five quality posts in the forum.
- You must have posted in the contest thread, just to say hi if nothing else.
- Contest is currently open to the world.
- Once a winner is announced, a private message will be sent to confirm their information. If they do not respond within a week, they will forfeit their winnings.
The FusionMods Birthday Bash begins on 2008-08-23 and will end 2008-10-31.
Winner(s) will be chosen within the following days.
Prizes will be added as more sponsors are lined up but ATM we have...
Starting on September 4th, one winner will be chosen at random. This will continue each week on Thursday until all prizes have been given away. Due to the large number of prizes, almost all winners will be given multiple prize items.
Once chosen, a private message will be sent to the winner. If not claimed in a week, the winner will forfeit their prize and it will be offered up again.
ABUSIV3, if you want so shoot your address as a confirmation to the price and your entry, I'll have that out to you this weekend :)
To everyone else, hang in there, we have a ton more prizes to go still
I also want to take a second to note how winners are drawn. As part of our contest system I built, I can enter a number of criteria and have it select random winners that qualify. Not that I expect this kinda stuff to be called into question, I just think it's always good to have it floating around out there. :)
Congrats and better luck to everyone next week :)
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
With or without givaways Fusion Mods rock.
That is why I keep coming back, but the giveaways
are a pretty cool kick back.
Good luck to all new and old members!
I'll be honest, givin back is one of my favorite parts of all this. I see a number of forums who really take for granted that the community is the only reason they exist, and I think that by keeping that simple fact in mind I'll always be able to work towards making this site better.
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?