- You must be a registered member of the site.
- You must have atleast five quality posts in the forum.
- You must have posted in the contest thread, just to say hi if nothing else.
- Contest is currently open to the world.
- Once a winner is announced, a private message will be sent to confirm their information. If they do not respond within a week, they will forfeit their winnings.
The FusionMods Birthday Bash begins on 2008-08-23 and will end 2008-10-31.
Winner(s) will be chosen within the following days.
Prizes will be added as more sponsors are lined up but ATM we have...
Starting on September 4th, one winner will be chosen at random. This will continue each week on Thursday until all prizes have been given away. Due to the large number of prizes, almost all winners will be given multiple prize items.
Once chosen, a private message will be sent to the winner. If not claimed in a week, the winner will forfeit their prize and it will be offered up again.
He is. I've been in contact with him when I can catch him. I myself just recently got what I won in the mail myself.
He should be getting close to being done with his house soon. I think he said another 2 weeks and it will be done. He also said once its done, he's got a ton of things he wants to do here, as well as some site overhauls.
Core2 Quad Extreme QX96500-ES @ 3Ghz, 4gb Patriot DDR2-1066Mhz RAM, 4gb Intel Turbo Memory, 3x 500GB WD Blue drives, Samsung DVD-RW, GTX 560ti-1gb Gfx card.
Future Mods: none for Freshwater. Next build will be all new.
I've been packing now to move into my house, (final inspection for occupancy is next week), and I'm guessing a few of the contest prizes are just mixed in with my own boxes. Haha I've been packing stuff up slowly for a couple months now.
Let me know if you haven't gotten your prize and I'll 100% have them shipped this week!!!
Again, sorry for the delay, this whole buying a house thing has turned out to be more work than I expected, lol.
Also, like I mentioned, I'll be moving into my new place in about 2 weeks, I still need to get internet switched on over there, but once that's done, you guys should be seeing a lot more of me after that
Also, I have a ton of before and after pics I'll be posting because I know we all love pics :)
And I know I keep dragging his post on but... I will have some new articles as soon as I start moving in. The first being a home networking one. I've held off so far just because I didn't want the building inspectors to see dangling network cable and say, "Whats this dangling wire doing here?" lol.
But like I said, let me know if you haven't seen your prize yet and I'll get them out immediately!!
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?