Well to get started Im just gonna say the images that follow this message are copyright their respective owners/creators and I do not claim ownership or creation of any of said images nor will I be held liable for any copyright infringement. There now that thats said Lets Move along....the following images are some template images for what Im going to be doing with this mod.
Oky for the logo I plan on cutting 1 of those 2 out of the left side panel...havin trouble on deciding which one...kinda leaning toward logo #2. A for the Ship I plan on cutting a detailed version of it out of the right hand side panel of the case its not really a matter of choosing on that one since they are all the same ship...so moving onto the final piece which would be the Klingond Ritual blade depicted in the last image, that is gonna be my design for the top window of the case...I was gonna use a standard Klingon dagger but it seemed way to plain so I browsed through the selection of blades and the Kutluch ritual blade stood out the most with its intricate design. I gotta say this is the easiest I think Ive seen mod wise for getting all the necessary images for templates not to mention inspiration that Ive ever seen. :lol:
(Note Reason why Im calling it the Ritual Bird of Prey is cause the Ritual blade and ship :lol: ....I would have added Klingon to the name but I figured it was a tad bit long :lol:)
BCModder BCModderator?
Joined: Aug 8, 2006
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Post Subject:
Posted on: Jan 11, 2008
lol yea it's been a while since Ive done anything with it, last time was like in august I think, I had ended up screwing up my flex shaft then getting preoccupied with a bunch of other stuff but I would really like to finish this mod sometime soon, Ive found out to that I'm to be studying for the A+ tech exam this month so I can take it and get my certification so when I'm not studying I could get some work done on it, an I really wanna test out my new dremel to.
my first step I want to get to is finishing the top panel window which only has a small section left to cut out so that shouldn't take me long, then I have to get my first side panel window design traced out on the panel and that one shouldn't take to long to cut out with it being a fairly simple design. the toughest part is going to be figuring out how I'm going to cut the bird of prey out of the other side panel, which I figured I would trying and think of how thats going to go after Ive gotten the other panels done. another thing I'm trying to figure out is what color to paint the chassis of the case.
Are you taking both parts of the A+? I heard the hardware was pretty easy since it just gives you some pretty common scenarios, but the software one was real annoying since it asks you really random stuff back potentially to windows 3.1 (even though it isn't susposed to be OS specific, lol)
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
as far as I know it's both, I have to go to the book store and find a good A+ software study guide I have a hardware one already. I just hope ta hell I don't make some stupid mistake on it and fail it cause it's a might bit expensive to have to retake.
BCModder BCModderator?
Joined: Aug 8, 2006
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Post Subject:
Posted on: Feb 2, 2008
well I know it's been a while since I posted anything really new in this thread but heres a small update, I would have finished cutting the last bit out of the top panel but the screw holding my cutting disc in the dremel snapped off and I need to find one of my spare bit. anyway heres what I managed to get done.
BCModder BCModderator?
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Posted on: Feb 7, 2008
well I had managed to find my other cutter bit however the screw on that one snapped mid cut to so I gotta go out and buy one tomorrow so hopefully I can post more of an update this coming weekend. other then that here's the char LCD I just bought off of ebay for this thing, it's just to bad it's not red back lit but oh well blue will work fine enough to oh yea as for the price it was $10.37 with shipping.
Awesome, a update on Prey! Can't wait to see this screen included in this mod. Thanks for sharing with us and I'm watching with interest. Happy Modding to ya.
thanks, Ive been wanting to do a char lcd addition to a mod for a while so I figured I would just grab one off of ebay and have a go at it. I'm also going to be going to the hardware store today to get some new bits for my Dremel seeing as my last 2 cutter bits had the screw snap on them, so hopefully I can do more of an update on the mod this weekend. I may be busy with school and other stuff right now but modding always helps relieve some stress so I figured it will do me some good.
bcmodder BCModderator?
Joined: Aug 8, 2006
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Posted on: May 12, 2009
Yay first update in over a year, it�s not much but I finally did the trace job for the design I plan on cutting out of the left panel, I still have yet to decide on how I�m gonna cut the window out around it but that will hopefully be coming soon. =3