Post Subject: hows your design ability?
Posted on: Aug 23, 2008
hey guys, one thing I've looking at doing latly is create a newer friendly site template. I've got it drawn out already for the layout (and trust me, it's a pretty large improvement).
But this is where I really hit my design limitations.. Figuring out some functionality is easy enough to do, but now that I'm working on bringing this sketch into photoshop, I'm hitting the wall on color themes, so I thought I'd get some opinions from all of you.
Once I have a few colorized themes, I'll post em up here :) If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
Since spoon bumped this I'll post the image I posted in the other topic:
As cantraferight pointed out you can change the backgrounds on this to give the site a whole new theme. Also as I said this is just a really rough sketch, and the background needs to be bigger.
As far as the web part of it goes I was thinking have the background image stay in they same place when you scoll up and down and only have the center part move. The one thing I"m not sure if you could do would be to make the center part slightly transparent.
Paradoxal n.
1. A mythical creature that exists only if you don't believe in it.
Just a random thought, if you did use my basic idea, in order to avoid problems with transparency in different browsers what you could try doing is to have the background image have the grayed out part be a part of it and have the main page scroll on top of it. I think this would also take care of problems with different resolutions. (Maybe)
Paradoxal n.
1. A mythical creature that exists only if you don't believe in it.
I don't know a lot about web development but couldn't you detect what browser is being used and do a kind of IF statement to to make the code for transparencies different for firefox.
You could possible have this running on the client side so that theres no extra work for the server.
thats a pretty common issue that people need to make decisions on. Even then it's almost impossible to test all browsers and the effectiveness of the scripting.
The common ones are IE and FF. These two like to do some things a bit differently. Even then, IE6 handles CSS very poorly when compared to IE7. Then there's the matter of testing these on windows vs mac because those aren't identical either.
lol on top of that theres a whole slew of borwsers that are still used but far less common. Safari, Opera, Konquerer, Camino, and so on.
The best part is with FF 3 and IE 8 making their debut it's getting even more tedious.
Because of so much of that, many developers, including myself tend to pick the more common uses in CSS to make them more browser safe.
lol if anyone is thinking about going into web work, go development on the server side. Unlike Javascript and CSS which all run on the client side and is left to be run and interpreted by the users browser, server side stuff is a breeze. If it works right on one machine it'll work right on everyones machine. :)
This is something I'm still working on. I know it's very doable, I just need to find a 3rd party script that's been tested, lol mostly just so I won't have to
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
I just realized i hadn't touched this in a couple weeks... lol Now that I have a class to force me to sit down i need to get on these graphics.
I think I'm going to keep the same layout as far as content goes but i'm going to redraw the whole thing. I've also made a few changes to the visible content as well, but thats really not a big deal at this point since it's just a matter of changing the mock-up to say "this" instead of "that".
lol if there's anyone who has one cool idea for the site and wants to create it, I'll gladly accept it :P
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
You can bug me, it's just sometimes my schedule gets stupid busy. lol
But sometimes it slows a little and I get a little free time.
I could work on a flash version, but I figured we would want it to load
hella fast. Here is an example of one that loads pretty quick. CLICK HERE
thats really cool. I think having a flash site would really add some cool factors to it but i think i'd have to avoid that just because i know it's not something i'd be able to easily maintain.
I think in the next two weeks I'm going to finalize a template and start building it. I'll probably go insane with CSS :)
Atleast at my new work, i have a mac and a PC so I can test things out on 2/3 of the platforms haha
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?