faceless105 Selfmade Modder
Joined: Jun 30, 2006
Posts: 4540
Post Subject: Great Stores for Supplies updated 3/12/08
Posted on: Jan 22, 2008
This thread has been started as a nice guide to anyone who needs to buy something but isn't sure where to look. Below we have categories listed with stores below them. If you don't see a store on there that you think should be on there, please feel free to post the store and a short description (of the type of stuff they carry as well as your experience with them for everyone else), and it'll be added to the list as soon as a mod notices it
Computer Hardware www.newegg.com - One of the best stores for hardware if you live in the US. www.ncix.com/ - Another great store that has some good prices and sells in US and Canada. www.clubit.com/ - Another good store that ships to the US.
Water / Air / Etc. Cooling http://www.performance-pcs.com/ - Besides carrying alot of modding parts this site has alot of fans and water cooling parts as well. http://www.sidewindercomputers.com/ - This is an awesome place to grab some good water cooling parts, and their prices are awesome. They ship internationally. http://www.jab-tech.com - JabTech has awesome prices and a great selection of water cooling parts and fans. This place will also ship internationally.
And thats all that i could come up with immediatly. I've been to a lot of modding stores too but i haven't ordered from them all. If you guys have some that you swear by, feel free to post the names in here :) If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
yeps lol it was the name of the cartel I was in on the dopewars mmo and my cartel leader jokingly said the BC stands for beyond control doesn't it and it kinda stuck, originally the B was just my last initial and C was custom but Beyond Control sounded better so I went with it.
as for sites in canada the ones I know are, I use memoryexpress all the time, they're in alberta so you don't get hit with as much tax as NCIX or Tiger Direct.
Maybe also a list of computer part stores that is divided into sites that have bad prices but good specials. (Frys/Outpost) And then more constantly good priced stores like newegg and Clubit.
Paradoxal n.
1. A mythical creature that exists only if you don't believe in it.