- You must be a registered member of the site.
- You must have atleast one quality post in the forum.
- Your project must be posted on the site, and it must be your own!
- Contest is currently open to the world.
The Thumb-Drive Modding Competition begins on 2007-7-9 and will end endYear-8-9.
Winner(s) will be chosen within the following days.
The Prize will be an Excellent Hard Drive Tray from Tagan. They will be donating their IB220 model. I'll post the specs shortly
*** Be creative on this one. I though this would be a real fun contest. I know we've bene having giveaways latly so this is a nice change without having to dive straight into some hardcore modding. So be creative and have some fun with this project!! If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
my dad actually got a nic eone at walmart for $20, it's 1gb, even had a small lcd to give you a percent full on the thumbdrive itself, but most importantly, it's very very thin so walmart might have whatcha need
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
hm..This could get interesting
I'd mod my 128mb, but its a limited edition one that was included with a city and colour live CD, and my 4gb hard drive just isnt moddable
Would it be okay if i modded the USB SD card reader instead? I'll post pics later but it looks almost identical to a slim thumb drive, and i was planning on modding it anyways
I got a beatiful sandisk 512 that I found lost and have been walking around with without a case so if I get back on the 2nd I might be able to mod it in 4 days... we shall see