faceless105 Selfmade Modder
Joined: Jun 30, 2006
Posts: 4540
Post Subject: Contest Support
Posted on: Nov 12, 2006
Well as I'm always looking to have another contest, I though I would post this message that reaches out to all of you. What i'm looking for is, if anyone works for a computer related business and would be able to supply any products for a modding contest, then I know everyone would love to have them!
In addition to making everyone extremly happy here, full promotional credit would of course be givin to the Company. So if yoru looking for a little promotion and making some modders day, then by all means, I'd love to hear from you, :) If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
Unfortunately I cannot help with prizes, but we have a very good traffic flow going on lately and if you would like I'd be happy to do a front page banner and article if you do the write up I'll give it exposure. Don't know if this would interest you or not, but TBCS would be happy to help in this way if you like. youcan contact me there by PM or at [email removed for security purposes] if you would like me to do this for you.
You are very nice to offer this. Glad to see you here and I hope you find us friendly and helpful. I you have any question please feel free to ask. Remember, the only stupid question is the question that wasn't asked. Happy Modding to ya.