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Selfmade Modder

Joined: Jun 30, 2006
Posts: 4540
Post Subject: News Forum
Posted on: Oct 18, 2006

I though it might be cool to discuss current news. With this whole North Korea thing i figured i should create a spot to discuss things like this and other news worthy topics.

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
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Joined: Oct 28, 2006
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Post Subject: new forum
Posted on: Nov 2, 2006

As an SSgt. in the air force i think carey should spend sometime in iraq.

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Selfmade Modder

Joined: Jun 30, 2006
Posts: 4540
Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Nov 2, 2006

post some info on it, i gotta think that having a first hand experience there you should have some good info on it. I'd definatly love to hear it all

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
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Joined: Oct 17, 2006
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Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Feb 27, 2007

I've always felt that doing away with the draft has screwed the country. It helped give our young people with self-discipline and how to work with each other. We now have a society of I want that and throw everything away no matter what the cost is. It use to be a time when the misbehaving crowd was the minority and the well-behaved was the majority and now it's the opposite. I even have the attitude of wishing I was dead sometimes because I'm so tired of the way the world is turning out to be. It a shit hole now compared to what it was back in the 50's and 60's. I'll be glad when my turn comes around to leave this world.

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Selfmade Modder

Joined: Jun 30, 2006
Posts: 4540
Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Feb 27, 2007

i dunno, i dont mind it to much, lol. i'm 22 so i know i'd be some prime rib for the army, lol.

I think they still have the draft, i know i had to register when i turned 18. They aren't activly drawing from it of course, i think the only time they even used the draft was WWI, WWII, and Vietnam. i dunno, if i thought there was a good chance of being drafted, i'd prolly just join the coastguard or something that stays pretty local.

I'm not sure who to blame for the world today, lol to many people on that list, just seems like there aren't to many people capable of taking responsability, and that ranges from kids and back to the parents. I dont think theres any one group who can escape that judgement.

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
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Joined: Oct 17, 2006
Posts: 1437
Post Subject: subject
Posted on: Feb 27, 2007

Your right, it's not just one group, it's all over. The draft was in use between Korea and Vietnam wars, it was mandatory to go into the service once you turned 18. The draft is still available but it's not mandatory to enlist just to register for use if needed. Back in the mid to late 50's there were no wars and you still had to enlist or be drafted into the Army. If you were drafted you went into the US Army, so when I turned 18 I enlisted into the US Navy and 6 months later my draft card came to me by mail, I was told to not to worry about it sense I was already in the Navy. If I hadn't enlisted I would have been in the Army when that card showed up.

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CMG Refugee

Joined: Jul 6, 2007
Posts: 834
Post Subject: I can be drafted, but I cant enlist? WTF?
Posted on: Jul 27, 2007

So I've got two blown disks in my back, my knees are shot, my eye site is 20/60 over all, and I've got asthma... When I found out my cousin had enlisted in the airforce as a fire fighter, for a moment I wanted to go with. I bombed the physical something fierce. So on my way out I asked the Doc why I had failed and he gave me that list, so I made a joke about being in the clear for not having to join the armed forces. He got all serious with me and was like "no that doesn't get you a ticket out of the military, if the draft goes into effect you'd still be top on the list. It just means that you cant go right now." So I get all pissed at the way he's talking to me and I'm like "Oh, so you mean to tell me that I cant join voluntarily but you can just up and decide that I'm fit enough to go when ever? Fuck you then Sir." I'm glad my cousin made it back from Iraq in one piece, and not too messed up from being over there. My health still holds out should they decide to try and send me, but I kept the papers from the attempt at enlisting so I'd probably fight them trying to draft me.

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