Custom Func sUrface 1030
Author: the.edge -- Posted: 2007-04-23
Most people, whether professional gamers or office workers, can enjoy the benefits from a good mousing surface. When you have to look at your desk all day like most power users, making things visually appealing is important, from functional desktops to modded cases. Func offers very affordable custom printing on all their mousing surfaces.
The surface I'm reviewing is their 1030, which is their mid-ranged mousepad for everyday users. So lets dive into it.
Packaging is simple and solid, with two layers of bubble wrap (one for the pad, another built into the envelope) While shipping times could be better, its excusable on the grounds that this is a custom product.

The printing itself is VERY nice, the pictures don't do it justice. Colours are deep and its all very accurate. The reason it looks dull in the pictures is because the surface placed on top of the printed picture is semi-rough, and the camera flash bounces off it.

As far as size, this is not a large surface. While other pads are built for large sweeping motions in FPS games, I find this one fits very nicely on my small sized desk. As far as sticking to the desk, it does this well, when you try and push it from the top, it stays in its place, but when you do feel like moving it around, pushing from the side leaves little problems.
Here is a picture with my older pad.

Another great feature of this mouse pad is that it is double sided, you can flip over the surface. One side is rougher than the other. I prefer the rougher surface, but this is a great option. Also, the small cord clip is a great touch, it is removable and its actually really handy. Its the kind of thing I can see myself getting used to, and being lost without.
Here is a picture with the rougher surface

Func also includes a handy brochure filled with tips about using your new mousing surface.

During the shipping process, I emailed Func's support, and received helpful replies. Good customer support goes a long way, and func deserves to be recognized for it.
Feel free to ask any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
- Custom image, easy design
- Two sided surface
- Cord Clip
- Stays in place
- Flimsy Base (drawback of lower model)
- 3-4 shipping time
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